Thursday, March 5, 2009

My heart is crackin' like a Krakatoa...

I just finished watching this weeks episode of LOST. It's SUCH a bizarre show... how can the writers/creators make this stuff up, or even keep track of it all? I mean, how freaking FUN would that be to to have that be your job? "Yea, I sit around with a bunch of whacked out people making up the weirdest stuff about these different groups of people to travel off and on and off and on to this island that travels through time and apparently also moves around somewhere in the pacific... it it even exists at all." I mean, how exestensial! It reminds me of that scene in Animal house where Boon, his girlfriend, Katy, Larry (a Delta Pledge) are all sitting in the bathroom of the 'cool' Professor Jennings getting high. Jennings is explaning to Larry, or, Pinto, and he's known to his Delta brothers named him, how a whole universe is a tiny speck on some guys thumbnail! After blowing Pinto's mind, Pinto then turns to the Professor and exclaims "can I buy some pot from you?!" There ya go, an enthusiastic learner!

So, back to Lost, maybe chemicals ARE used for these writing sessions... I am a musician, and I remember VERY FEW creative jam/ad lib sessions that were not fueled by a little pot or alcohol.... I'm just sayin'...

Alright, It's time to hit the cough medicine bottle and get some sleep. I might shower tomorrow. Things are looking up.

Nighty night, lava kids-


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Fibers in your toes...

Oh look!!! Only my second blog and I've already inserted a picture! OOHHH. OK, first of all, the lava lamp is not the only picture I have on my computer. I just really like lava lamps. Always have. You'd think I had hippie parents. FAR from it, my friends. Just a shopaholic Mother who bought ever neat little gadget. I was born in 1968... we had lava lamps, lights that were shaped like speakers that flashed off and on with the beat of anything that remotely sounded like music, those fiber lamp know, the ones with the long strands of fiber that alternated different colors at the tip of the long fibers... unfortunately they didn't realize that these fibers would break off, fall into the cool green or gold shag carpet, then they would lodge themselves into your feet like the needle of a jumping cactus!!! HORRIBLE!

Anyhoo, we are at day three of my unemployment blues. I'm feeling a little better today. Last night my mind was a flurry with so many ideas. I was going to talk this time off, grab it by the horns, and ride it 'til it ... uh... what's the proper rodeo term? Well, you get the idea. I looked up the nearest YMCA to join, I decided I was going to start every morning with a hike at trail 100, conquer Mt Everest, etc. However, as the day lingers, the more comfy I become on the couch. Heard from a friend in San Francisco that she was laid off today... isn't interesting that until what... November, W. wouldn't even say the word RECESSION? JUST amazzzzzzing. I can't believe people actually think Barack Obama has anything to do with this financial crisis. 80,000 jobs were lost ON inauguration day. WOW... sounds just like 1980 when the hostages were released ON inauguration day. Hello? Iran/Contra sound familiar? Except this time, it was the outgoing regime causing the fall of our society.

Alright kids... off to read more about the FEMA director who actually has FEMA experience... whuuuuut?


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A blogging virgin...

Hey Kids,

What else does an unemployed, thinking (well, sort of) person do at 11 pm at night but decide to start writing a BLOG! I've got all of these things blazing around in my migraine filled head, and there's no where for them to go... no wonder it hurts.

Just to recap the past few weeks for you....

I was working as an Human Resouces and Accounting Manager for a small solar installation company. I started in October making $31000 annually (or $15.00 hourly). As most of you know, if you have "Manager" in your title, you are generally considered an exempt employee, meaning you are paid a salary, and not an hourly wage. Well, the agreement I had with the owner was that I would accept this wage for 3 months, we would see how things went (there were several pay periods during that time where payroll was 3-4 days late due to cash flow issues), and we would me again on it in January. After finally cornering him in February, he agreed to meet with me. Met with him that afternoon, agreed on a number, I left his office, but the number thru with the knowledge of the other owner, then told John that I'd done it. Long story long. He claimed he didn't remember, said it wasn't a big deal. Left my office, came back, said he still didn't remember, kept escalating, kept saying no big deal, until 2 weeks later. I went into his office where he called me a liar, called me untrustworth, removed the checkbooks from my office...UNBELIEVEABLE. Was yelling and screaming at me, and I yelled and screamed back. He was flat out lying. Trying to bully me, and I wasnt going to let him do it. I was not going to back down.I knew at that point my days at GFT were limited, as I could no longer trust him. I will post an actual time line for these evens, as I'm sure I'll need them for unemployment court.

Whew... blogging is hard work!!!

Some other things I'd like to talk about...

Socialism vs Democracy

The Gay Mafia

Ice Cream

The Google...The Internets...and you

Hanging at the YMCA

Enjoying your time off

How I can start being my OWN boss, and actually making MONEY at it. I know it can be done... HOW do I do it?

Alright kids, I'm getting sleepy again.

Nighty nighty.

Flip on your lava lights...
