Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Fibers in your toes...

Oh look!!! Only my second blog and I've already inserted a picture! OOHHH. OK, first of all, the lava lamp is not the only picture I have on my computer. I just really like lava lamps. Always have. You'd think I had hippie parents. FAR from it, my friends. Just a shopaholic Mother who bought ever neat little gadget. I was born in 1968... we had lava lamps, lights that were shaped like speakers that flashed off and on with the beat of anything that remotely sounded like music, those fiber lamp know, the ones with the long strands of fiber that alternated different colors at the tip of the long fibers... unfortunately they didn't realize that these fibers would break off, fall into the cool green or gold shag carpet, then they would lodge themselves into your feet like the needle of a jumping cactus!!! HORRIBLE!

Anyhoo, we are at day three of my unemployment blues. I'm feeling a little better today. Last night my mind was a flurry with so many ideas. I was going to talk this time off, grab it by the horns, and ride it 'til it ... uh... what's the proper rodeo term? Well, you get the idea. I looked up the nearest YMCA to join, I decided I was going to start every morning with a hike at trail 100, conquer Mt Everest, etc. However, as the day lingers, the more comfy I become on the couch. Heard from a friend in San Francisco that she was laid off today... isn't interesting that until what... November, W. wouldn't even say the word RECESSION? JUST amazzzzzzing. I can't believe people actually think Barack Obama has anything to do with this financial crisis. 80,000 jobs were lost ON inauguration day. WOW... sounds just like 1980 when the hostages were released ON inauguration day. Hello? Iran/Contra sound familiar? Except this time, it was the outgoing regime causing the fall of our society.

Alright kids... off to read more about the FEMA director who actually has FEMA experience... whuuuuut?


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